Inclement Weather Policy
For WBSA Fields
All fields will be closed for ALL activities and cleared immediately under any of
the following conditions:
● Thunder heard
● Lightning seen
● Lightning within 10 miles of fields using available sensors, apps, etc.
● Threatening or darkening skies observed
● Extreme rain events without lightning or thunder heard
Players, coaches, referees, managers, families and spectators are to seek
immediate shelter from these events. Examples of safe cover include:
● Vehicle - enclosed and windows up
● Enclosed buildings with four walls, plumbing, and electrical wiring
It is the responsibility of all present at the field to clear the field when any of the
above conditions occur.
Practice or games can resume under following conditions:
● 30 minutes has passed since last lightning seen or thunder heard
● Lightning more than 10 miles from the fields
Continue to monitor and be prepared to clear the field if lightning should move
back within 10 miles.
For Partner Fields
In the event that an away club does not have a field safety policy comparable to
above, WBSA members can clear the fields and direct all present to their cars or
an enclosed building. No activities can resume until 30 minutes have passed
since last lightning seen or thunder observed.
Monitoring Weather
WBSA board members will track weather conditions and will close home fields
when the board feels that conditions are unsafe. There are many different mobile
apps that members can use to track weather, including:
● WeatherBug’s embedded tool – SPARK
● Weather Underground Storm
We encourage all members to be part of the solution in keeping everyone safe. If
you hear thunder or see lightning, please approach the referee and coaches,
advising them of your observation in that they may have not seen or heard it
WBSA fields will remain closed during flooding conditions. Most WBSA fields
are storm-water detention basins, meant to manage potentially damaging
floodwaters till channels are cleared downstream. WBSA board members will
advise when fields can be used for practice or games.