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Executive Committee

Chris Connell

Chris Connell

President, Registrar, Referee Assignor

Presides over meetings of the Soccer Club and of the Board of Directors, liaison to the Wells Branch MUD.

As registrar, serves as league registrar with the multiple soccer governing bodies we play under.

As referee assignor, mentors and assigns game day and referees for the league.

John Mitrowski

John Mitrowski


Manages the league's finances, registration fees, paying bills, and preparing financial reports.

Darrell Christmas

Darrell Christmas

Web Administrator

Responsible for managing the WBSA website and all backend web interfaces.

Jennifer Christmas

Jennifer Christmas

Vice President

Second to the president, handles recruitment and registrations, and discipline issues within club.

Jesus Valdez

Jesus Valdez

Field Coordinator / Game Scheduler

Assigns field usage, coordinates filed maintenance and schedules all games at WBSA fields.



Volunteer Coordinator

The Volunteer Coordinator is responsible for recruiting and managing volunteers for 3-4 events during the spring season, and 1 during the fall.

Gabriela Hinojosa

Gabriela Hinojosa


Keep minutes of board and general meetings, publishes league communications.

Daisy Valdez

Daisy Valdez

Uniforms Coordinator

Designs and maintains league uniform distribution.



Events Coordinator

The Events Coordinator is responsible for organizing and coordinating league events such as Fall Kick Off and Spring End of the Season parties, ordering and distributing end-of-season trophies, and 3 fundraising events in the spring.

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